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Snapmap modded.

Started by MooD, May 29, 2019, 06:41:53 AM

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So a while back, someone edited the revenant  into a summoner  for snapmap and released it. works on all platforms. I don't know how they did it but part of me likes to think someone working on doom 2016 gifted it. Anyone here know how this was done and what else is possible? strange no one has made anything else since then to change around aspects of snapmap.


You won't find much Snapmap love here.

I played around with it for a while, it's a neat plaything, but doesn't really make up for lack of proper modding.

The Happy Friar

Was pretty popular though.  Sad it's not going to be in Doom Eternal.


Are there some good maps you could recommend? I haven't fully given up on it yet.

The Happy Friar

I haven't played snapmap maps in a while.  I'd normally just sort through the top maps when I'd load it up.


Quote from: The Happy Friar on May 29, 2019, 12:03:22 PM
Was pretty popular though.  Sad it's not going to be in Doom Eternal.

Although we may get support for modding at some point  instead:) According to Marty Stratton