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Messages - aphexjh

Yes, looks like an error compiling the bsp. If you want to continue using this editor, you might try making that surface (and maybe all the stairs) a single func_static, so that it isn't involved in the world geometry.

Would have to agree with motorstep, best to use dark radiant or even doom radiant until they figure this out.  Also, try compiling with stock doom 3.  Let us know if you figure this issue out.
id Tech 4 Mods / Re: Adding Coop to Doom 3
June 02, 2016, 01:31:12 AM
I support the person who puts up the money to make something they have dreamed about come true. Especially if that person was told time and time again that there was no point, that Doom 3 was not meant to be multiplayer focused.

Would it be nice if he gave away something awesome, sure. Does he have to? Hell no.

I mean you can play mcs, its got all the stuff there for you. Really this person has invested in a product that is valuable, just because its hard to make money off of it right now doesnt mean that it should be free r&d for all. Sure Id gave doom 3 source out, but that was after they made lots of money on it. We aren't entitled to someone elses hard work for nothing.
Welcome! / Re: building a devkit for GPL
May 29, 2016, 11:55:16 AM
Is there anyway we could work on this as the base of a project, or somehow incorporate these tools:

Welcome! / Re: building a devkit for GPL
May 29, 2016, 12:44:20 AM
Quote from: motorsep on May 28, 2016, 05:03:40 PM
Quote from: aphexjh on May 28, 2016, 04:38:17 PM
Re min asset pack: what does this list look like? Do you have a trello for this or something?

Was this question to me or OP?
You or anyone, whoever wants to field it. If we include the ced assets, what is there left to make to make something like ss2 standalone?
Welcome! / Re: building a devkit for GPL
May 28, 2016, 04:38:17 PM
Re min asset pack: what does this list look like? Do you have a trello for this or something?
Welcome! / Re: Growing the community
May 27, 2016, 12:19:21 PM
Oh, cool then. Yes that would be pretty neat indeed. I am curious if there are compatibility issues between the different games' content? Would you basically be making new entity definitions and script objects in the Doom 3 mod paks that would access the external assets? I would be interested to see this work. I would also make sure that all the companies were cool with this.
Welcome! / Re: Growing the community
May 27, 2016, 10:27:53 AM
Quote from: EoceneMiacid on May 27, 2016, 07:23:38 AM
- quake4.pk4 (Quake 4 content)
- prey.pk4 (Prey content)
- etqw.pk4 (ETQW content)
- music.pk4 (Doom 4 soundtrack)

I believe using and sharing assets from games we may or may not own is bogus. This is not what a mod community is.

I acknowledge that mods have done this kind of thing before, but I would never be part of something like that.

If there were some way to verify that people own the games that they are using content from, that would be fine, but there won't be and let's be honest, that's not the intention.


I don't mean to disagree with your point generally. Apart from the part about distributing copyrighted material, I think the idea about modular .pk4's is a good one.
Devilz tutorial please. Thank you in advance. I don't care how its implemented. Baby steps and partial solutions are still progress.
I would be very interested in learning how you are making Id tech work in VR, since you have a samsung S5 it is likely that I could use the same solution and that would be very cool.

I don't know of any studies, but the gear vr/occulus store does list "comfortable for some" and similar recommendations, so I suspect some data collection is going on based on user experiences.

For me, the problems arise when there is a disconnect between my sense of movement and the feedback (or lack there of) which is produced in the game. For instance, say the camera is attached to a first person character which you move with the directional pad/wasd keys, the lurching motion of the camera as it accelerates in a direction produces a kind of woozy feeling. I wouldn't call it motion sickness exactly, as it is not that pronounced, but there can definitely be a sense of dizziness/butterflies in the stomach when this happens.

I really want to see that Tundra unreal level in vr, looks pretty nice. Theif also. But really a game like the top-down mods that are out there or something like super-smash tv would be the cool thing to see with id tech 4 imo. 
I have been working on a couple projects with VR as a focus, mainly with Unity and Gear VR, and I can say that the issues with headtracking/motion sickness definitely effect me.

Some games are worse than others, but there are generally some rules you can follow that will let you avoid the areas that cause problems for people who are effected by this. There is a video with John Carmack that covers some of these "rules", and they are generally helpful guides.

Quote- The claims that VR needs to run at 90 FPS, on low persistence Displays, at high resolutions, allowing only certain gametypes (slow and first person perspective only), ultra fast head & positional tracking, ideally with VR controllers, started to worry me about truly limiting the artistic freedom on the projects I had in mind to create with VR

I would disagree that games necessarily be first person, since any kind of game can work with some modification in VR, I am sure that as people realize this the variety and fun will increase in the VR market. Although I will admit that the behaviour of the camera has a lot of similarities to an fps camera and that is a good thing, as it increases immersion.

High framerates are ideal, and there is definitely a lot that you should do as a designer to mitigate the slow-downs that can occur. eg keeping things light and efficient, but being id tech modders, I am sure we are all familiar with working within such a dynamic.

Gear VR for myself and, I believe, some other guys here has been a really rewarding and fun experience. There is still a lot that can be explored in taking some of the concepts we are familiar with and translating them to a VR experience, and I am eager to see what these former d3w types are able to create. For me, I don't think that a first person shooter game will work as I would have hoped (run-and-gun twitch shooter), but I am still experimenting and I will report back.

One game that I tried was this Archer E. Bowman game, which is basically like the sniper mission from rage, where you are perched at the top of a battlement shooting at gremlins who approach in waves. It definitely makes some sacrifices graphically to perform well on the mobile platform, but it marries the simpler gameplay of mobile with the VR experience to good effect. I played with a few friends and pretty much everyone was like "wow", which surprised me, since I kind of imagined it was going to be a particular subset of escapist types that would enjoy vr, but it looks like it might be a more widely appealing medium, so that was reassuring to me.  Or maybe my friends are escapist neck-beards like me, who can know?

Quote- People are "lazy creatures" by nature and if just Headtracking gets me tired over the course of hours I don't even dare to imagine how much more effort it would be to play PVE Games on the Vive with Room Scaled VR and Vive controllers. Having to do "Jumping Jacks" for hours after work just for entertainment is not exactly my definition of free-time-fun.

When you mention this it makes me wonder, since I agree that people are kind of lazy when it comes to games, like all the motion peripherals (wii mote, dance pads, kinect) have shown us on the console platforms, it seems that the controllers that allow for the most sedentary user experience are the most popular, but when I think about my life outside of gaming and indeed outside of my home, I definitely find a lot of pleasure in exercise and exploration, so I think if you are immersed in a really engaging world, the reward feedback of exploration could do a lot to combat player fatigue effects. So I think that moving around in VR might not fit into the paradigm that consoles/pc have illustrated thus far.

Anyway, I am glad to hear that other Id Tech modders are getting into VR.

Welcome! / Re: Growing the community
May 25, 2016, 10:49:56 AM
Quote from: EoceneMiacid on May 25, 2016, 05:06:24 AM
- Despite good efforts, there's not a single mod out there that's unanimously regarded as the must-play killer app mod in the same way Brutal Doom or CounterStrike is.

Dark Mod.

As far as your general uniting the efforts under one project, I think it is a valuable notion. I think there is a lot that can be said for the scripting language already available in Doom 3 and a more modular asset creation style.

The problem is that everyone's project will have different aspirations, this is what makes it difficult make a centralized engine/api. Part of the solution might be to make mod assets/components that people can put into their own projects. Obviously this does not address the c++ dependency issues.

I mean, ultimately dark mod has the best features, support and community, so I would say that is probably the place to start, if you want to benefit from the most concerted effort towards a project. It is also freely available to download, has a more efficient editor and has a lot of great content out there.

I think the LUA and Python integration would be great.
id Tech 4 WIP / Re: Hallowed Mod
May 24, 2016, 10:42:24 AM
Thanks VGames. 

All the architecture is stock textures, although there are a few custom materials in there for the vertex blended terrain and some of the hell materials, so that they cast shadows. There are particle textures, materials, debris fx, music and models that are new, as well as some of the gui assets, but I was trying to keep the additional assets to a minimum so that the download size stayed small.

As far as things I want to add, I am open to ideas, i would like to keep it balanced, so that any additions wouldn't change the way it was played so much that it couldn't double as a map pack. One notable exception is the catapult, which required me to remove the fall damage.

I plan to fix the tree model, as it is pretty rough at the moment, as well as the scaling the texture tiling and collision on some of the boulder models. Also there is a screw up on the vis portals on level 2, as well as the lighting, that I may need to look at.

Ideally, I would like to replace a lot of the weapons with weapons more reminiscent of their level of origin, such as a staff in place of the plasma gun, old pistol in place of the Doom 3 pistol. I want it to feel like the game happens in some parallel dimension where all the classic shooters go to die.

My secret hope was that I could convince various mod authors to contribute one or two of their creations to this mod, so that it feels a bit more like the amalgamation of worlds that I was going for with the level design, something like Rise of the Triad, where you have a lot of different weapons. But that is more of a dream than a real plan.

All that being said, I intended this to be the main release for a while, as there are some VR projects that I want to get back to. If anyone has contributions they would like to make, for instance fixing the GUI on the AK47, I would appreciate it.

id Tech 4 WIP / Re: Hallowed Mod
May 24, 2016, 12:24:32 AM
Do you hit an entity limit with projectiles?
id Tech 4 WIP / Re: Hallowed Mod
May 22, 2016, 01:22:03 PM
Thanks for the feedback Vladdrak. I will take a look at that for the next update.