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Free 2D Game Art for Your Projects

Started by Eric Matyas, February 01, 2019, 12:07:05 PM

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Eric Matyas

Hi everyone,

I've begun creating 2D game art that you are welcome to freely use in your projects. Some is pixel art, some is derived from 3D objects that I created, and others are backgrounds that might be useful in visual novels and interactive fiction. You'll find them on my new "ART" pages on my website:

The art pages are located at the bottom of the menu list on the right side of the screen.

At this point I'm experimenting with different styles and methods so hopefully I will be able to offer a good variety of things. Please feel free to modify / edit as needed. If you happen to find any of these images helpful and decide to use them, please attribute me in the "game art" section of your credits area.


Eric Matyas

Hey guys,

I've created some new nighttime urban backgrounds that might look atmospheric in visual novels, interactive comics or other kinds of games. You'll find them here:

ART- Backgrounds – Urban

Feel free to edit / modify as needed.


Eric Matyas

Greetings everyone,

Continuing my mad experiments with various game art styles, I've got some pixel art planets and space rocks here:


They live toward the bottom of the page, so make sure to scroll down.

As always, feel free to edit and modify as needed.


Eric Matyas

Hi Everyone,

New texture images are ready on these pages on my site:

BARK - Artistic (Tile-able)
CONCRETE - Artistic (Tile-able)

As always, you can access them from my images homepage:

Enjoy...and keep being creative!  :-)