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Re: Doom 3 Supremacy

Started by The Happy Friar, November 26, 2018, 02:02:47 PM

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I'm also thinking of monsters dropping money, which can be spent on vending machines.


Improved blood splatter effects!

By randomizing the scale of the blood decal, the applied splatters now look different each time. Much more convincing.


Better yet...

The effect is now applied when you kill a monster from close enough, and stays until you switch weapons. Presumably there is a weapon cleaning mechanism integrated in your suit?

Simple but nice feature, really clean and lightweight implementation too, I'm quite happy with it. Thanks to discord member Furious for the idea.

It's still not quite perfect, as bloodying up the hands isn't as straightforward as it seemed initially - getting some unexpected graphical glitches there.

And perhaps, the effect shouldn't be strictly applied when a monster dies, but also when you are hit with a bullet that managed to penetrate your armor.

Another thing on my checklist is to do a much better job at simulating pain and impacts than Doom 3, but it'll be a while until a have something worth showing off.


Scope views for weapons with scopes were added, though they have a lot of elements to them and it'll take some time until everything looks right.

The Rocket Launcher now has homing capability. Aim at an enemy through the scope to highlight and track it. Any fired missiles will now home in on the target.

The Chaingun now also received Tracking Mode. In this mode, holding the trigger will cause the weapon to automatically fire at any targets in view.

Manual (default) mode

Switch to Tracking mode

Weapon will fire automatically when trigger is held and weapon is pointed at an enemy

Your tracking range is limited by default, but upgrades that increase it are available.


Improved the Rocket Launcher some more.

Locking on works better now. The weapon will continuously scan while holding Aim, which makes it easier to obtain lock-ons, especially during hectic battles. Just aim, look at target, there, its locked on.

There is a lot of upgrade potential for this weapon. Scanning range, scanning 'width', number of simultaneous lockons.

Weapons draw power from your suit. Scanning consumes a low (ish) amount of power.


Improved blood splatter effects:

The obvious problem here is that you play as this guy now:

... which doesn't match up with the bare arms of the weapon viewmodel.

The dynamic splatters can be applied to any material as long as it's attached to a script-driven entity (otherwise there's no way to toggle it). Obvious candidates are the monsters themselves. Applying it as a makeshift damage effect would look somewhat cheesy I think, but it could work nicely if you gib a monster and all nearby monsters would get splattered? There are some cool effects possible for sure.


Since it's technically possible to 'change suits' on the fly...

I never really intended the player to be the Slayer - that is id Software's story to tell.

That doesn't mean that the Praetor suit cannot be found in the game, however :)

This is now spoiled, of course.


Handgrenades now finally work the way you'd expect them to in a modern FPS.

Press the 'grenade' button to grab and prime a handgrenade, should you have any.

Hold the button down to increase power. The more power, the further you'll throw it (and the more it'll hurt, should you score a direct hit)

Release the button to throw the grenade. (Oops, there's still a skinning error left, apparently)

The handgrenades themselves are more effective than they were in Doom 3, from improved physics to enhanced exploding performance. Also they do not bounce around anymore.

I'm thinking of making them more lethal still, adding a shrapnel effect.

Don't forget to actually *throw* the grenade once primed :)

Still need to finetune a bunch of of variables until the weight and inertia of the projectile feels right.

More to come :)



UAC personnel and their zombie counterparts. Too bad the models don't quite match up, they appear to change body types when zombified :)

The human versions use Doom3guy's body, so they have all his animations too, which means they can use weapons.

I still need to do the zombie heads, so the zombies still use the human ones, for now.

Speaking of heads, I'm seeing some nice potential for decapitation here, so their heads can be blown off with a close range shotgun blast or something.

I'm not sure how to do the transition from human to zombie yet. Removing the human version and spawning the zombie is probably the only possible way, I don't think you can hot-swap an entities' model, animations and AI scripts.



Nevermind the dude in the front hasn't got a head, he's the fifth variation of the Sec, but using Doom 3 guy's body (or rather, he's Doom 3 guy wearing a Sec outfit) - so instead of being glued to a fixed weapon like the others, this one can use all weapons.


In addition to highlighting guns on your HUD, it is now capable of displaying labels above them too:

Initially, it shows just the weapon's name, but it could be upgraded so it would show the amount of ammo in the gun as well.

The text needs to be a lot smaller obviously, and look better.


I changed it so the label only appears within a certain range:


This model is also in Doom 3, referred to as 'poppy', and was probably intended to be a zombie at some point (as the presence of monster_zombie_fem.def in the game data implies).

She is ragdoll-and-gibbable, but she doesn't have animations nor does her model inherit any other (AFAIK), so she won't be of much use in the game, unfortunately.

The Happy Friar

she's the model that first shows a lost soul bring spawned.  I remember some talk in the game's pda about her being easy.  Also, her boobs have physics too. 


Quote from: The Happy Friar on June 08, 2019, 03:21:23 PMAlso, her boobs have physics too.

I just tested. You're right :)