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Messages - grml4d

there are a lot of images that are no "showing"... and there is no link for my file...
here is the link for my patch no error :

it is for first release of doom3 ... not the bfg that has "bin harry$ files"
win7 is nice... ...
good luck to get old "missing" softwares "compatibles versions" O:-) C:-) O:-)
id Tech 4 Discussion / Re: D3BFG Map Question
May 19, 2019, 05:21:14 AM
bethesda has killed doom3 and what was left from J O0 Carmack ..  :-X with the bfg release ... they mostly made all files binaries and no longer text readable and recompilable ...
may be there are a bunch of convertors...? but that always gives errors...compared  to sources [ that has some ;']

rage 2 published these days is not using idtech 6 engine.... that will be the same with next doom...and idtech 7 ....
well done ... like disney prefering to store profit with some "war-stars8" next xmas than publishing what should be a masterpiece : avatar2... i home this other john Cameron will change of producer/distributor for avatar 4 &5
disney stinks   >:( :o
id Tech 4 Discussion / DOOM3&ROE no error patch
October 22, 2017, 05:56:27 AM
i try to add monsters from Quake4 & Prey in Doom3-Roe..  for learning how scripts are working , i remove errors / warnings of maps...
doom3 maps do not have a lot but Roe is more buggy...doom3 maps do not have a lot but Roe is more buggy...
here is a topic in a forum about this :

as i have solved nearly all errors , i made a 7z files having corrected files and all maps recompiled .
the link to the file is
the 3 txt files that are also in the exe , are the console log files .
there are warning left , some are like false positives , few others are about bugs in models.. i am not able to correct them yet as i do not know a model editor able to import/export md5mesh correctly .

i hope to ear your opinion about it and get last corrected files .
id Tech 4 Mods / Re: DOOM 3 Spawn flash light color
October 19, 2017, 07:43:38 AM
you should search in roe , where vulgars monsters are spawning with a blue signal
you can use doom.exe +set win_allowMultipleInstances 1
or add +set win_allowMultipleInstances 1 in a file named autoexec.cfg ...
or in a text file like adisark.cfg and launch doom.exe with +exec adisark.cfg

you can use all cvars ...some are in doomconfig.cfg like allowconsole that you should use...
lauching multiple doom is mostly good when you use internal editor : type editor in console to discover it
id Tech 4 Needs Help / Re: removing doom3 errors....
October 13, 2017, 06:50:15 AM
i know there were a lot of warnings... most of them in roe...but i removed nearly all of them...
i should be below 10 warnings in the all doom3 including during gameplay warnings...
my 1.33 patch is nearly ready..i am sure that few vwarning left will be removed by 1.33bis

by the way , the error about glass should be solved by some like you that knows the code and game ...
the target is nearly spotted with all the details i founds.. it is not something "random" anymore.. O0
i hope you ll get it..

i will replay the roe to recheck the last errors and the patch itself..that is not so big ...there were few typos errors in files and maps ..
id Tech 4 Needs Help / Where is the bug...?
October 12, 2017, 03:12:24 PM
i finish to remove bugs of doom3 .. >:D ... so i started to check the errors of the console during gameplay , as i am lucky enough to have two monitors , i can see in the windows console when errors occurs  ^-^  that setup helped me to get a very weird error
the error that always occurs is :

WARNING: Couldn't load sound '_emptyname.wav' using default

and happens when the player destroys a glass , a window .
you can quickly see it when you load caverns1 map , go upstairs and shoot the glass where you see a green bfg munition .
there is a sound of glasses when you destroy

so i looked a little in the console using the listsounds commands that shows at end :

   22kHz   2726ms    13kB  OGG sound/vo/caverns2/maint1_3.wav
   44kHz    186ms    16kB  WAV _emptyname.wav(DEFAULTED)
     861 total sounds
51080049 total samples loaded
   23146 kB total system memory used

looking in the source code : name is created by this instruction in file DeclManager.cpp  :

if ( !name || !name[0] ) {
      name = "_emptyName";
      //common->Warning( "idDeclManager::FindType: empty %s name", GetDeclType( (int)type )->typeName.c_str() );

i also use the search files/words to find glass . the results show
wav files in game.sndshd that are used in functions reused by func.def

debris.def has only one reference to one sound
"snd_bounce"            "casings_small_mix"  , that is reused in weapons.sndshd . "snd_bounce" is in source code , in some weapon files .

i checked the wavs in sndshd files and the one in the listsounds , most of them are looking loaded...
so is there anyone knowing what and where is the bug of the file wav having no name that should be played..   :-\

i am making the "1.33" doom3 update file...and still continue to remove few errors.. O0 :P.. 
i also start to know very well the game and find some spot for monsters...may be some would like to animate them ?  ???  :'( ?

here is where i plan to add the QUAKE 4 Network Gardian

Here a spot for the  QUAKE 4 Harvester & Stream Protectors

there are so many monsters, that i plan to use some as pairs and make a coop version of the mod...[if there is some developer ?  :-X ]  with the pairs system that makes easy to spawn more monsters when there are a lot of players ...
i hope the patch 1.33 to make some people wanting to join... :-* :P ;D

id Tech 4 Needs Help / Now adding M0nsteRS....spoilers ["8
September 29, 2017, 02:45:55 PM
after removing as much as possible errors ... O:-)   :-X
time has come to add monsters...

my first one in roe-hell map was the centurion model from prey ...

i think of using it as a bruiser replacement models...

now , one model from quake 4 : fatty....

he should be perfect here playing billiards with player....
id Tech 4 Needs Help / Re: removing doom3 errors....
September 27, 2017, 04:39:33 PM
i update the list of bugs , that is short now ;']
some errors should come from roe dll bugs : i mean the sound files not loaded [while doom3 makes no error ] and the health errors in some cinematics model .

here is the list :

during game/cpuboss...
WARNING: script\ai_monster_base.script(1046): Thread 'monster_boss_sabaoth_1': entity 'monster_boss_sabaoth_1' couldn't reach path_corner 'path_corner_12'
WARNING: script\ai_monster_base.script(1046): Thread 'monster_boss_sabaoth_1': entity 'monster_boss_sabaoth_1' couldn't reach path_corner 'path_corner_8'
WARNING: Unknown weapon 'weapon_chainsaw'
WARNING: Unknown weapon 'weapon_soulcube'
4 warnings

during game/delta2a...
WARNING: Couldn't load sound 'monster_demon_imp_footstep_glass.wav' using default
WARNING: Unknown weapon 'weapon_chainsaw'
2 warnings

during game/erebus1...
WARNING: entity 'erebus1_cinematic_imp_1' doesn't have health set
WARNING: entity 'erebus1_cinematic_imp_2' doesn't have health set
WARNING: entity 'erebus1_cinematic_marine_gravitygun_1' doesn't have health set
WARNING: entity 'erebus1_cinematic_marine_gravitygun_end_1' doesn't have health set
WARNING: entity 'erebus1_cinematic_player_end_1' doesn't have health set
WARNING: entity 'erebus1_cinematic_player_fill_1' doesn't have health set
WARNING: entity 'erebus1_cinematic_player_start_1' doesn't have health set
WARNING: entity 'erebus1_intro_detonate_1' doesn't have health set
WARNING: entity 'erebus1_intro_flash_1' doesn't have health set
WARNING: entity 'erebus1_intro_marine1_1' doesn't have health set
WARNING: entity 'erebus1_intro_marine2_1' doesn't have health set
WARNING: entity 'erebus1_intro_marine3_1' doesn't have health set
WARNING: entity 'erebus1_intro_mcneil_1' doesn't have health set
WARNING: entity 'erebus1_intro_pda_1' doesn't have health set
WARNING: entity 'erebus1_intro_plyr_heart_1' doesn't have health set
WARNING: entity 'erebus1_intro_plyr_heart_p3_1' doesn't have health set
WARNING: entity 'erebus1_intro_plyr_helmet_1' doesn't have health set
WARNING: entity 'erebus1_intro_scientist_1' doesn't have health set
18 warnings

during game/erebus3...
WARNING: entity 'death_orb10_trail' doesn't have health set
WARNING: entity 'death_orb11_trail' doesn't have health set
WARNING: entity 'death_orb12_trail' doesn't have health set
WARNING: entity 'death_orb13_trail' doesn't have health set
WARNING: entity 'death_orb14_trail' doesn't have health set
WARNING: entity 'death_orb15_trail' doesn't have health set
WARNING: entity 'death_orb16_trail' doesn't have health set
WARNING: entity 'death_orb1_trail' doesn't have health set
WARNING: entity 'death_orb2_trail' doesn't have health set
WARNING: entity 'death_orb3_trail' doesn't have health set
WARNING: entity 'death_orb4_trail' doesn't have health set
WARNING: entity 'death_orb5_trail' doesn't have health set
WARNING: entity 'death_orb6_trail' doesn't have health set
WARNING: entity 'death_orb7_trail' doesn't have health set
WARNING: entity 'death_orb8_trail' doesn't have health set
WARNING: entity 'death_orb9_trail' doesn't have health set
WARNING: idIK::Init: IK for entity 'bj_npc' at (-1556 -3480 1280) has no modified animation.
17 warnings

during game/erebus6...
WARNING: entity 'ber_erebus6_ai_dummy' doesn't have health set
WARNING: file <implicit file>, line 2: unknown token '5.'
2 warnings

during game/hell...
WARNING: entity 'maledict_death_skull_smoke_1' doesn't have health set
1 warnings

during game/hell1...
WARNING: Couldn't load sound 'cage_decent.wav' using default
WARNING: Couldn't load sound 'gargoyle_01.wav' using default
WARNING: Couldn't load sound 'gargoyle_02.wav' using default
WARNING: Couldn't load sound 'gateimpact_01.wav' using default
WARNING: Couldn't load sound 'gateimpact_02.wav' using default
WARNING: Couldn't load sound 'gateimpact_03.wav' using default
WARNING: Couldn't load sound 'gateimpact_04.wav' using default
WARNING: Couldn't load sound 'gateimpact_05.wav' using default
WARNING: Couldn't load sound 'gates_land.wav' using default
WARNING: Couldn't load sound 'hell_corpsemover.wav' using default
WARNING: Couldn't load sound 'hell_gatelower.wav' using default
WARNING: Couldn't load sound 'hell_guardian_death_music.wav' using default
WARNING: Couldn't load sound 'hell_guardian_intro_music.wav' using default
WARNING: Couldn't load sound 'hell_revgate.wav' using default
WARNING: Couldn't load sound 'hell_rockride_8s.wav' using default
WARNING: Couldn't load sound 'helldoor_close.wav' using default
WARNING: Couldn't load sound 'helldoor_open.wav' using default
WARNING: Couldn't load sound 'hellride_lower_2s.wav' using default
WARNING: Couldn't load sound 'hellride_platrot.wav' using default
WARNING: Couldn't load sound 'hk_revwallbust.wav' using default
WARNING: Couldn't load sound 'thunderclap.wav' using default
WARNING: Couldn't load sound 'tp_electro.wav' using default
WARNING: Couldn't load sound 'wallmover_01.wav' using default
WARNING: Couldn't load sound 'wallmover_02.wav' using default
24 warnings

during game/hellhole...
WARNING: trigger 'biostart_relay' at (48 -1184 160) calls unknown function 'map_marscity1::bioscan_go'
WARNING: trigger 'trigger_relay_23' at (80 -1152 160) calls unknown function 'map_marscity1::bioscan_opendoor'
WARNING: Unknown weapon 'weapon_chainsaw'
WARNING: Unknown weapon 'weapon_soulcube'
4 warnings

during game/phobos1...
WARNING: file <implicit file>, line 2: unknown token '5.'
WARNING: Unknown copy_joint 'eyecontrol' on head of entity junction_marine
2 warnings

during game/phobos2...
WARNING: entity 'phobos2_ai_dummy_1' doesn't have health set
WARNING: entity 'phobos2_cinematic_mcneil_1' doesn't have health set
WARNING: entity 'phobos2_cinematic_player_1' doesn't have health set
WARNING: entity 'phobos2_mcneil_chair_cine_1' doesn't have health set
WARNING: monster_demon_d3xp_bruiser: joint 'neck_3' is already contained by body 'head'
WARNING: monster_demon_d3xp_bruiser: joint 'neck_4' is already contained by body 'head'
WARNING: monster_demon_d3xp_bruiser: joint 'neck_5' is already contained by body 'head'
WARNING: monster_demon_d3xp_bruiser: joint 'neck_6' is already contained by body 'head'
8 warnings

using blender is quite hard...because the compatible pluggings for importing files need an old version...[at least for importing , Motorsep makes the updates for the export plugging and it seems well funtionning with latest blender..] so if you have a good plugging with a blender , that could make a good link in this topic ...["8

by now i try to resize models from prey and quake 4 : the centurion and the network guardian ....
i hope to re-use the def files from their games and think of using modified scripts...
i have maya7 and found the right mayaimport dll at the wiki of
same with lightwave ....
doom3 is very popular ...but its files formats are not offered by latest blenders , maya$ or else 3dstudio...
so i have to handle carefully

by now i stay with doom3 1.3.1 because i can read files [so i was able to clean nearly all errors...] and they are same formats as prey or Q4 , doom bfg uses binaries .

i do not care about "licences" because the web has tons of copies of these games , like steam for less that $10 ...
i think it can make a great game that will may be have a little success...and perhaps, i hope a port to latest engine ;']
i am sure all doom3 lovers will also like my mod ;']
i would do my mod with quake if that was possible....  :'( :-\
i think i found a good tutorial with the tools i need at this page :
same Plugins for Lightwave 11

i know the project is too big for one human being  :P ...moreover me that is not a developer ...
i will select monsters and places , then publish a beta ... i hope some ones will be able to give "life" to monster not only by the gamex86.dll but also by some new animations

id Tech 4 Discussion / hello thoz who mods... ["8
September 25, 2017, 02:58:39 PM
may be i should write " making a good "post" "  by some that have made their mod or tools ...
like how they updated the textures , updated a.i. .... or recompiled the code source and added vulkan or windows audio support...
thank you ... your post goes in the right direction ... is very interresting and has a lot of infos but it does not say a word about the def files and others scripts that has all the ressources to create mod .. i used few minutes the editafs under roe , some of listbox monsters make the exe crashes.. same with prey or quake4... that is a bit weird because some monsters are missing in the list... :'( is an unfinished bible for the cvars of idtech4 games has good articles but needs a lot of get complete  ;)
this website is a very good tutorial for mapping :

i found darkmod forum because of its editor ..the coming new version has very interesting things for models : . i suggested the team-developer to add a support for "games-models" : i mean monsters , but not only like noesis or modelviewer do show them : only the shape with no texture ...or anims with only points in space ...i mean saving files with the famous def files that has all info about anims and textures some could reuse them in others maps or games ...
my opinion about noesis or else rendering models of games , is that they should handle by games instead of being generic like with 3ds files...for a user it is more interresting to have a list of models for a game than browsing a lot of folders and have a non textured thing to look ..[ no ? ][ i do not complain so much...we all see what can do "some owners" with mp3 or torrents... for files that already made them millionaires...]

i did before , what you advise : to use other formats to get files in software , but sometimes you loose some infos...
i was hoping a direct opening and editing with blender...but it looks even more killer than steam with its updates..
i have maya 7 running may be with few files . that should be easy to have it importing models...?
by now i think the best way is to use fragmotion . i loaded files yesterday . rendering was nice [ without textures but nice...] and it is able to export md5 files...
i ll do some test today to find the way to solve errors like :
WARNING: idAF::Load: articulated figure 'monster_hunter_berzerk' for entity 'hunter_berzerk' at (1792 -448 256) has no modified animation 'af_pose'
WARNING: Unknown joint 'body' in '*hips body body2 origin SPINNER ' for model 'monster_hunter_berzerk'
WARNING: Unknown joint 'body2' in '*hips body body2 origin SPINNER ' for model 'monster_hunter_berzerk'